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Daniel Williams

You can have JOY! 

Hello Redemption Church, 

I want to remind you that there is JOY in the Lord for you today. As believers, God has given us all spiritual blessings in Jesus, and joy can be found in Him. But too often, we are robbed of our joy because instead of looking to Jesus, we look at our circumstances, people, or things for fulfillment. 

Instead of filling us with joy, these things cause us to worry and not worship. This is why we are exhorted to "fix our eyes on Jesus” and "take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” When we learn to have this mindset and choose to live in obedience to Jesus, we will see fruit that produces JOY. 

No other book addresses the subject of JOY better than the book of Philippians. One Bible commentary said, "The book of Philippians is Paul's personal manifesto on how to live a life full of joy.” Throughout this small letter, Paul mentions joy, rejoicing, or gladness at least 19 times! He exhorts us to "rejoice in the Lord" and to focus on Christ continually. 

In fact, throughout Philippians, there are 16 references to the mind and how we think about things—Paul shows that the secret of Christian joy is found in the way the believer thinks - his attitude. As people say, "outlook determines outcome,” or as Proverbs 23:7 says, "As we think, so we are!” 

As a church, we will be studying this book together to train our minds to focus on Jesus in a new series I am calling: Joy - A Battle of The Mind. We must practice having the right mindset to practically experience joy in our lives. In the four chapters of Philippians, Paul describes four attitudes of the mind that produce joy in spite of our circumstances, and we will be looking at these throughout the month of November.

Our Sunday Teaching Schedule:

Oct 24 - An Overview of Philippians

Oct 31 - No Service - Trunk or Treat Outreach Event at Barwick Road Church

Nov 7 - Chapter 1: The Single Mind 

Nov 14 - Chapter 2: The Submissive Mind

Nov 21 - Chapter 3: The Spiritual Mind 

Nov 28 - Chapter 4: The Secure Mind

We will also be doing an in-depth study of Philippians throughout the week in community groups. We will be reading and discussing Warren Wiersbe’s book on Philippians called: Be Joyful - Even When Things Go Wrong, You Can Have Joy. Books will be available on our resource table on Sunday for $10, and I encourage you to pick up a copy whether you are able to join a community group or not. To participate in a community group in November, just email us at or sign up at the resource table on Sunday night.

I look forward to studying the book of Philippians with you both on Sundays and in Community Groups throughout the week. And as we go through this series, I am praying that God fills your heart with JOY.

Be blessed,

Pastor Daniel.

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Biblical Resources on Racism & Social Injustice

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As with all things in our lives, when we encounter racial injustice or those who have experienced it, our hearts should reflect that of God. As followers of Jesus, we have been given His Spirit to live within us, and our hearts should break when we see any person treated with cruelty, regardless of their race. As our nation and our world are in so much pain and confusion, we struggle to not only understand racial injustice, but to discern what our response should be. The news is constantly filling in the narratives of what is true or right, and as believers, we need to be not only listening to their voice, but first and foremost we should be listening to what God has to say.

As we are constantly reading news articles and social media posts on the subject, I wanted to share several Biblical perspectives that I have found personally helpful. As I’ve been thinking and praying about how God wants us to respond, it has been encouraging to hear from Christians who have studied what God’s Word says and also who have personally walked through some of these things in their own lives. Hearing a Biblical perspective is important as we are hearing so much from the world around us on the subject of race, social justice and the brokenness in our world.

We all need to be mindful of where we are receiving the information that forms our views and perspectives on issues like this one. I am hopeful that as you listen and read some of these perspectives, you can take away something that will help you better understand God’s heart on these issues. So please take time to read and listen to those who can give you insight into what God's Word says about race, culture, hardship, forgiveness, and love. 

Biblical Resources on Racism & Social Injustice


 -The Church Has Left The Building by Dr Darius Daniels

-Race & Justice with Mark Strong

-Know Your Calling by Carl Lenz

-Race & Justice: A Pastoral Word on Our Cultural Moment by John Mark Comer - Matthew 24


-Kirk Franklin, Robert Morris & Dr Tony Evans:

-Become The Bridge | a conversation with Steven Furtick & John Grey:

-A conversation on Race with Daniel Williams & Rodney Wilkinson


The Third Option: Hope for a Racially Divided Nation by Miles McPherson

Woke Church: An Urgent Call for Christians in America to Confront Racism and Injustice by Dr Eric Mason

Let Justice Roll Down by Dr John Perkins


-A Gospel Response to Racial Injustice by Doug Sanders

-A Word About Racism by Redemption Church

-The Sin of Racism by Tim Keller

The World We impart: Fostering Racial Reconciliation in Our Churches by Colin McLean

Devotional Plans on @YouVersion

-'What is Biblical Justice?' By Dr Tony Evans

-'Tony Evans Explores Racial Reconciliation' on @YouVersion plan

'The Role of the Church in Cultural Clashes' by Dr Tony Evan on @YouVersion plan

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A Word About Racism

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An Article on Racism

There is so much being said and shared regarding how we can best love our neighbors, no matter what race, color, or background. This article by Reverend Billy Graham explains what God's heart (and by extension, our hearts) is for people of all races and how the Church can demonstrate His heart to the world around us.

Please take a moment to read and reflect on this article.

“Racial and ethnic hatred is a sin, and we need to label it as such. Jesus told his disciples to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Matt. 22:39); and in reply to the question “Who is my neighbor?” he responded with a pointed parable about a good Samaritan, a member of a despised race (Luke 10:25-37).

Racism is a sin precisely because it keeps us from obeying God’s command to love our neighbor, and because it has its roots in pride and arrogance. Christians who harbor racism in their attitudes or actions are not following their Lord at this point, for Christ came to bring reconciliation—reconciliation between us and God, and reconciliation between each other. He came to accept us as we are, whoever we are, “from every tribe and language and people and nation” (Rev. 5:9).

Tragically, too often in the past evangelical Christians have turned a blind eye to racism or have been willing to stand aside while others take the lead in racial reconciliation, saying it was not our responsibility. (I admit I share in that blame.) As a result, many efforts toward reconciliation in America have lacked a Christian foundation and may not outlive the immediate circumstances that brought them into existence. Our consciences should be stirred to repentance by how far we have fallen short of what God asks us to be as his agents of reconciliation.

Racism is not only a social problem, therefore; because racism is a sin, it is also a moral and spiritual issue. Legal and social efforts to obliterate racism (or at least curb its more onerous effects) have a legitimate place. However, only the supernatural love of God can change our hearts in a lasting way and replace hatred and indifference with love and active compassion.

No other force exists besides the church that can bring people together week after week and deal with their deepest hurts and suspicions. Of all people, Christians should be the most active in reaching out to those of other races, instead of accepting the status quo of division and animosity.

The issues that face us are complex and enormous, and simply wishing they would go away will not solve them. I do not pretend to know the full answer. But let those of us who claim the name of Christ report of our past failures and, relying on the Holy Spirit, demonstrate to a weary and frightened world that Christ indeed “has destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility … through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility” (Eph. 2:14-15).”


Dr. Billy Graham (Christianity Today, Oct. 4, 1993)

A Conversation on Race

I recently talked with my friend, Pastor Rodney Wilkinson from Gospel Fellowship in Boynton Beach, FL about the topic of race in our culture today. I pray it brings you hope and encouragement in this time.

In all of our conversations about race and equality, let us make sure we are allowing God to speak into the situation and give us wisdom, clarity, and love.

Let's Continue to Pray

"Open your mouth for the mute, for the rights of all who are destitute. Open your mouth, judge righteously, defend the rights of the poor and needy." -Proverbs 31:8-9

We want our voices to be heard on behalf of the oppressed. May we open our mouths in their defense before the world around us and just as fervently, in prayer. We need a work of the Holy Spirit in our nation, so join us in praying for the following areas:

  • For Spiritual transformation in our nation (Ephesians 2:12-19)

  • Unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Ephesians 4:1-6)

  • Love for all people (Colossians 3:14)

  • Protection (Psalm 91:11-13)

  • Healing for the brokenhearted (Psalm 147:3)

  • Hope for tomorrow (Jeremiah 29:11)

  • Guidance and help for Church leaders and those in authority (Psalm 91:1-2)

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another.” -John 13:34

Praying we can all learn to love one another with the same compassion, sacrifice, and mercy as Jesus.
Pastor Daniel

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Another opportunity to share Jesus by Pastor Daniel Williams

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A season of great opportunity  

These are unprecedented times as the world has been halted by the Coronavirus (COVID19). All of the sudden, people have had to stop their normal routine, and many of us are practicing stay at home orders and social distancing. As the virus continues to spread around the world, many people are in a panic because it has reminded them of two important things: First, that we are not in control. And second, that we will all die. 

But for the follower of Jesus, these are two realities we live with every day that bring us comfort and strength as we follow Him. Jesus is our King and in control. Jesus is our Savior and has conquered death and given us eternal life. So as a Christian, I don’t need to panic, but rather I want to tell others about Jesus and the hope that He has given me. I want to be wise and share Jesus with others.

Ephesians 5:15-16 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.

Right now the world is living online.

Just because the world is staying at home doesn’t mean they aren’t going anywhere…they are online. They are using technology to connect with family and friends. They are on their phones, tablets, computers, and televisions more than ever. Some are busy, some are bored, some are hopeless, some are scared—and I think we are all humbled by not knowing what will be next. We are all searching for answers during this times of uncertainty, and this is a great opportunity for the Church to share the answer we have: Jesus!

I have been so encouraged by how churches all over the world are doing online services. They are flooding the internet with the good news of Jesus Christ, and people are responding and turning to Jesus for the first time and receiving salvation during these online services. And although I am proud of all the hard work pastors are putting into making online worship services happen, I believe that God wants to use the whole body of Christ to share His Gospel….God wants to use you!

1 Peter 3:15 but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect

So let’s continue to go and make disciples  

People are reaching out to family and friends to find comfort and community during this time. Humanity was made for relationship because we were made in the image of God who is Father, Son, and Spirit (Gen 1:27). So, with all of us being isolated through social distancing, people are lonely and reaching out to their relational network for more community and comfort. People are even open to chatting more and interacting online with strangers just to find community in this season. And this is where God’s people (YOU) can rise up and use technology to share Jesus with the people in your life.

Eph 2:10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.

Jesus knew that this virus was coming and is still in control and has a plan…and His plan includes His Church: YOU! As followers of Jesus, we want to go where people are and share the good news of Jesus with them. Right now, this includes using technology to share Jesus with others. I believe that we have a great opportunity—as the weeks go by and more and more people are social distancing, we can bring hope through community with technology. Whether that be through a phone call, having a face time conversation, using social media, or a video conference call…there are so many great ways to be connecting with people! And although the method may be different than what we are used to, we still have the same mission: to make disciples.

Here is a simple tool 

As we are all figuring out how to use technology in new ways, there is definitely a learning curve—but don’t let this new form of communication scare you! I want to share a simple tool (or process) that can help you run an effective relational meeting. This applies whether you are having a simple FaceTime conversation with a friend, leading a larger conference call with unbelievers, hosting a social media chat group, or a leading virtual small group meeting for your church. This process helps us use technology to share Jesus in the relationships God has specifically placed in our lives during this season. So, let’s not be be afraid of technology, but rather use it for God’s glory. 

1 Cor 9:22b-23 I have become all things to all people, that by all means I might save some. I do it all for the sake of the gospel, that I may share with them in its blessings.

Go through five P’s - Process, Pray, Practical, Proclaim, Plan.


As people are jumping into your meeting, help them process what is in their heart and be prepared to ask them questions. They can be fun and light hearted: “What has been your favorite meal you cooked since you’ve been at home? What album are you are listening to this week? How are you filling your days with a new schedule?” Just ask open-ended questions,  and as people join your call, they can jump right into the conversation. 

Once people have all arrived to your meeting, you should start to transition into some more serious questions to help people process. “What is bringing you encouragement in this time? How are you all really doing this week? Is there anything you want to share with the group?  What are your greatest concerns right now?

The questions can go on and on, and I would say that this should take up about half of your meeting time. Let people talk, and just listen (Prov 20:5). You don’t have to have answers and don’t need to solve anything. Just listen and help people process life and speak from their hearts (Luke 6:45). And as one person shares, the others will listen too. and this creates real community and is a beautiful gift to many right now….the ministry of presence. 

I am reminded of James 1:19 where it says, Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger.” We don’t need to fight and argue over our opinions all the time. We see this happening all around us on social media.  It’s okay to just let people share and help them process by listening and saying nothing. 


As you are listening to people answer questions and pour out their heart, write down ways you can be praying for them. Be listening to the Holy Spirit speak to you as you are listening to them share about their life and situation. And talk to God silently in prayer as you are listening to people answer questions (1 Thes 5:17). As you hear concerns, fears, and pains, be sensitive and empathetic. Don’t interrupt people with a quick fix or a short answer. Just listen and allow the Holy Spirit to minister in people’s lives as you silently pray. 

Then when people are done sharing, ask them if you can pray for them out loud. Some may say yes, and some may say no. But ask. And then pray for them…right in the call and out loud so they can hear. Your prayer doesn’t have to be long, elaborate, or fancy. “Jesus, please help and comfort them. Thank you that you love us. In Jesus name, amen.” This is a great prayer to pray (Matt 15:22; 20:30). Of course you can say much more in your own prayer, but don’t feel like you have to preach at this time. You can just pray, and that will be effective! 

James 5:16 Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.


This is a beautiful time to ask HOW CAN I HELP? Rather than going straight into preaching mode and throwing verses at the situation, get very practical…ask how you can help. It is often said, “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” The Bible would tell us that proclamation is very important, but we are to do this in love and care for people (1 Peter 3:15; 1 Cor 13:1-3). Meeting practical needs is an important way to love people. 

1 John 3:17-18 But if anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.

Let’s show people we really love and care about them in deed and truth. “Is there anything I can do? Can I help you with that problem? What can we do as a group to support and encourage you?”  You may not be able to do everything, but you can do something and should be looking for opportunities to do good works in this time (Gal 6:9-10). God wants His Church to be generous and loving with our resources along with our words (1 Tim 6:17-19). And even when you can’t fully meet a need, fear, problem, or concern—simply asking these types of questions shows people that you care.


We not only want to bring encouragement through meeting physical needs but also our with words of encouragement.

Prov 16:24 Gracious words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the body. 

I specifically choose the word proclaim rather then preach because we don’t have to have a long sermon for every problem. The point of proclaiming is to point people to Jesus and not focus on our preaching ability.  We can proclaim Jesus in many more ways than just preaching. Maybe we want to share a song, message from our church, or an article that ministered to us. Maybe we want to just read a simple verse to them like Rom 8:39 or Psalm 46:1 or a whole psalm like Psalm 23 or Psalm 91. Maybe we want to just share our experience of how God encouraged us when we had the same type of fear. It doesn’t have to be a hour-long message that we are trying to articulate.  Rather, we are simply being led by the Holy Spirit to proclaim Jesus and His hope. 

Whatever the case may be, focus your words on pointing people to Jesus—who is the Ultimate Savior and His Word which brings life (Rom 1:16; 12:2; 2 Tim 3:16; Isa 55:10-11). 


As you finish your meeting time, start to plan the next one. Simply ask “When can we meet again?” You want to continue to be in conversations with people about Jesus during this time, and simply asking this question will help. Keep the door open to meet again, and schedule the next meeting before you end your current meeting. 

As well as planning your next meeting, take the time to make sure you are following up on any action steps that need to happen before the next meeting. If someone asked for a grocery run, then schedule it out with them right there, or if someone asks to talk to you privately in the meeting, ask them what time would be good for them to do that and schedule it. Basically, we need to follow up with loving action before we close our meeting. 

Gal 6:9-10 And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to everyone, and especially to those who are of the household of faith.

God wants to use you!

This is an amazing opportunity that God has given us as His followers. Whether it be during COVID19 or not, He has sent us as empowered missionaries to proclaim His gospel to others (ROM 10:14-15). As people are constantly hearing bad news and daily discouragement, let’s take time to share some good news! The glorious gospel of Jesus Christ! Let’s remind people of the great eternal truths that we have in Gods Word (2 Peter 1:12-13). And let’s use this moment in history to tell as many people as we can about our Living Hope: Jesus!

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Celebrating and Supporting Proclaim Church

At Redemption Church, we are consistently looking for ways to share the love of Jesus with our community. One way we have had the privilege of participating in God's work here in Palm Beach County has been through our relationship with Will and Kristan Torres as they have been preparing to launch Proclaim Church in Boynton Beach this Fall. We are excited for the vision God has given them to bring the hope and love of Jesus to the lost.

Will and Kristan have completed a year-long church planting residency at Redemption Church, and we are honored to be supporting and celebrating them as they launch Proclaim Church.


In June, Proclaim Church launched their weekly Sunday gatherings at the Torres's home where Will has been sharing the vision and mission of this new work. In the Fall, they plan to launch publicly with Sunday services. Join us in praying for this season as they seek God's direction and guidance in reaching the lost in Boynton Beach.

You can also pray for and/or attend GOD & ANXIETY, an event hosted by Kristan and Hope Christian Counseling. This is a unique opportunity for Will and Kristan to serve and love people in a practical way. God has used Kristan's background as a mental health therapist to open doors to share the gospel, and we are praying God uses this event to bring people to Jesus!

It is a joy to see Jesus at work in our area, and we are praying He continues to send more laborers to share the gospel here in Palm Beach County. As a church, we are praying for more opportunities to raise up and support church planters whose heart is to bring the good news of Jesus to the lost. I pray you are encouraged to continue to pray for Proclaim Church, Redemption Church, and all those who are seeking to pursue and proclaim Jesus in our area!

Be blessed,

Pastor Daniel

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Waiting On His Return by Daniel Williams

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Jesus Is Coming Back!

This truth is important to say, important to live by, and important to remind ourselves. The Bible talks a lot about the imminent return of Christ, so I think it makes sense that we should talk about it too!

It seems like bringing up the rapture of the church and eschatology can be a sour subject for many Jesus-followers. A lot of people seem confused by studying the end times and say there are just too many different views and positions about this subject. People tend to fight with maps, charts and news reports in hand, and it makes sense that a lot of people want to avoid the subject for that reason alone. It has become an issue of division rather than a subject that we study and discuss with love for one another. For that reason, we, as the people of God, seem to have shied away from talking about it. People have been arguing so much on a position for so long that we have forgotten the person: Jesus. The fact remains that  Jesus IS coming back, and this is awesome! This is something that we should be talking about! 

We just recently finished our study about the afterlife, the rapture, and the day of the Lord in our Fundamentals of the Faith series of 1 Thessalonians; and you get the sense that Paul wanted people to know and live in the reality of Jesus’ return. 

Paul wasn’t shy about teaching new believers about how Jesus would return and how He is going to establish His kingdom here on earth for all eternity. In fact, he mentions this truth in every chapter of the 1 Thessalonians (1 Thes 1:9-10; 2:19-20; 3:13; 4:17-18; 5:9-10). Paul wanted these new Christians established in the faith, so he addresses the doctrine of the rapture.

And Jesus said to them, “Can the wedding guests mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? The days will come when the bridegroom is taken away from them, and then they will fast. -Matt 9:15

In ancient jewish times it was common for a man to betrothed himself to a woman and then leave for a time. Being betrothed was much more than our understanding of engagement. It was understood to be like being married without actually consummating the marriage. The husband would usually give the bride’s father a gift of money for the woman (to take care of her and show the family how much he values her), and then he would go and prepare a place for the couple to live for their marriage. He typically would come back as soon he was done, and this would be as soon as possible. He would come back for his bride in a celebratory surprise for the whole town to see and they would finally get married, consummate their marriage and live together as one in their new home together forever.  (see passages like Deuteronomy 22:23-24; Ex 22:16-17; Matt 1:18; 25:1-10) 

I mention this tradition because the Bible (and Jesus Himself) commonly used this picture of Christ and His followers as a bride and groom (Matt 9:15; 2 Corinthians 11:2; Revelation 19:6-10). And just like a groom back in the ancient world, Jesus has gone to the Father to prepare a place for us (Heaven), has given us the gift of His Spirit as we wait for His return, and is coming back for His bride (the Church). And He is excited about this!

“…as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you.” -Isa 62:5b

Jesus is Coming Back for His Church! 

This is what is known as the doctrine of the rapture. The word “rapture" is not in the ancient Greek text, but comes from the Latin Vulgate, which translates the phrase “caught up” with the Latin word, “rapturus,” from which we get our English word, “rapture.” The idea of the rapture of the church where we will be caught up to be with Jesus is found in other passages as well like 1 Corinthians 15:51-52: “Behold! I tell you a mystery. We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed.” 

The verb translated caught up in 1 Thessalonians 4:17 means “to seize, or to carry off by force.” 

David Guzik says about this text, “In the ancient Greek, the phrase to meet was used as a technical term to describe the official welcoming of honored guests” I love that idea that Jesus views us as His honored guests for all eternity and really wants us to be with Him: His Bride, the Church. Jesus said in Luke 12:8, “And I tell you, everyone who acknowledges me before men, the Son of Man also will acknowledge before the angels of God.” Jesus isn’t ashamed of us and is proud to call us friends (John 15:15). He has gone to prepare a place for us, sealed us with His Spirit and promises to come back for us (John 14)

And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am, you may be also. - John 14:3

So why hasn’t He come back yet? 

Well, God is not cruel—letting us suffer here on earth as He looks from heaven, rather, He has delayed because He is a God of love! Jesus is coming back because He radically loves His Church and this same love has caused a delay. In 1 Thessalonians 4:17 we see that Jesus WILL come back for His Church, but we need to trust that His timing is perfect. He hasn’t come back yet because wants as many people as possible to repent and turn to Him (2 Peter 3:9-10). And even through He hasn’t told us exactly when He is coming back, we can trust His Word. And He expects us to live in purity and expectancy for His return. 

“And everyone who thus hopes in him purifies himself as he is pure.” -1 John 3:3

No one knows when the rapture will take place so we must live in expectancy. This is good for us because we can tend to be complacent as Christians. One of the main reasons I believe God didn’t reveal to us when exactly the day He would come back was so that we would live for Him every day. God doesn’t just want us to say a prayer to have “fire insurance” from hell and forget about Him. Jesus wants a relationship with us and for us to worship Him as Lord. When we believe we can see Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, at any moment, it helps purify us (1 John 3:3). This reality helps us understand our priorities and how we are to live right now in light of eternity (Colossians 3:2-4; Psalm 90:10-12). 

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.” -Ephesians 5:15-16

What a hope we have as believers in Jesus! And the Bible tells us this hope will not disappoint (Romans 5:5).  So, we should be ready for His return and live in light of this wonderful truth. Let’s live for Jesus every day telling people this wonderful news that there IS a God who loves us, has died for our sins, gives us His righteousness, and makes a way for us to be His honored guest in Heaven for all of eternity. The rapture is just one of the beautiful doctrines of the Bible that shows us the wonderful character of Jesus, so let’s receive His Word by faith and live accordingly. 

Jesus is coming back. Although many people in the media or even our friends and family may not be thinking about this or talking about this reality, we are to encouraged to apply it to our hearts. As we ponder the great love of Jesus and how this doctrine shows us more of His wonderful character, let us be encouraged and live believing that Jesus could come back today!

 “Therefore encourage one another with these words.” -1 Thessalonians 4:18

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The Heart Behind The Refresh Conference by Daniel Williams

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I am very excited to invite you to our second REFRESH CONFERENCE in Delray Beach, Florida! It has been awesome to see the Lord bringing His Church together in unity in so many ways throughout Palm Beach County since we gathered last August. I want to take just a few minutes to share with you the HEART behind this year’s conference and give you an idea of what it’s going to look like this November.


Our conference theme for 2018 is GOD IS. Our guest speakers will be sharing from the Word and also from personal experience in ministry to remind us who GOD IS. When we have our foundation set on the character of God, we are able to live lives boldly trusting in Him in every circumstance. Our prayer is that your faith is built up and your heart is encouraged through this time as we devote ourselves to the wonderful truth of who our GOD IS.


Starting in 2017, the Lord put it on my heart to put on a conference for some of the LOCAL CHURCHES in our area to ENCOURAGE and EQUIP them. 

Many youth and young adults go on retreats and grow exponentially because they are taking time away to purposefully seek God and give Him that time. These are special times when many look back and say that God did something truly special in their heart or they heard something from Him that changed their life from that point on. Retreats and conferences are just awesome places to seek Jesus and let Him work in your heart! 

However, many of the people in our congregations have never been to a conference or a retreat as an adult—the cost and the time away from work make it difficult to take time away and get to some of the amazing conferences there are around the country. This is why we are bringing the conference here!


This year’s Refresh Conference will be open to all adults who want to take 2 days to seek Jesus and hear from Him. Every local church in the area is welcome to participate. Many the churches that are participating are smaller, newer churches which have planted within the last 5 years. These are servants of Jesus who are working very hard to share Jesus with the lost in our area and to disciple and love those in their churches. I’m excited for this opportunity to worship and seek Jesus as ONE BODY together and bless some of these churches who, like us, do not typically have the resources to attend or host a large-scale Christian conference. I also know that when the churches in our area are all healthy and strong in the Lord, not only is it good for them, but it is good for our community. This is why the purpose of the REFRESH CONFERENCE is to encourage and equip the servants of Jesus in our area.


Our first speaker will be David Guzik from Santa Barbara, California. David Guzik is a pastor, Bible teacher, and author of a widely used Bible commentary. Millions of people have used and been influenced by David’s online Bible commentary on sites such as Enduring Word and Blue Letter Bible. David has been in Christian service for more than 35 years, including two church plants, serving as a missionary in Germany, and as director and teacher for Calvary Chapel Bible College Germany. David’s insightful teaching will inspire and bless all who are able to come. You can learn more about him and his ministry at

We will also be welcoming Jason Sanchez from The House of Blessing Orphanage in Bachiniva, Mexico. Jason served as the youth and worship pastor at Calvary South Hill in Puyallup, Washington for several years before moving with his wife and daughter to Bachiniva, Mexico to start an orphanage for children in need in 2012. Jason's love for Jesus and His Word will be a great encouragement during our time together. You can learn more about Jason and the House of Blessing Orphanage at:


$50 per person

Trinity Lutheran Church

The REFRESH CONFERENCE is scheduled for Friday-Saturday, November 9-10th and will be held at Trinity Lutheran Church on North Swinton Avenue in Delray Beach. We will have an evening session on Friday night, and on Saturday, there will be a continental breakfast and time for fellowship followed by one morning session and a catered lunch. We will close with a final afternoon session. The cost will be kept low at only $50 per person in order for as many people as possible to be able to participate.


I am very excited to be coordinating this conference for the churches in our area, and I am praying that our church can get excited with me about serving and helping make this happen! Trinity Lutheran has agreed to allow us to use their building for the conference which is awesome because their facility has a larger sanctuary as well as a dining hall we can use for our lunch and fellowship times! We will definitely be needing volunteers to help with things like greeting and registration, some administrative help, and various other areas. We are not offering childcare because we really want all of our Redemption Kids volunteers  to be able to attend the conference themselves! So, be sure to arrange childcare for your own children soon. Remember, the heart of this conference is to encourage and equip the servants of Jesus in our area—this includes us! So, plan to ATTEND and SERVE in whatever ways the Lord has equipped you!

Please begin praying with me that Jesus will continue to direct us as we plan out the details of this conference, that many people will participate, and that God is glorified through all of our efforts. I am really praying that it is a blessing to the churches and believers in our area.

Register now at

Be blessed,

Pastor Daniel

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Let's BLESS People by Daniel Williams

lets bless people.jpg

I love the summer! Kids are out of school which means we are all sleeping in (praise God!) and the only regular thing about our routine is the sun coming out and it being HOT. So even though we don’t really have typical seasons in Florida, it feels like a different season. And during this summer season as a church, we have had encouragement from the Lord to focus on Evangelism and Outreach…we want to proclaim Jesus to people and for our church family to be a blessing to our community. Even though we didn’t know the specific details of what that would look like for us as a church at first, it has been encouraging to see God lead us with some pretty cool events. 

This summer as a group we have passed out door hangers in a new neighborhood, participated and helped lead in the very first Love Delray (an event where we had 105 people serve in very practical ways with 4 different organizations in our community), we have seen a church planter and his wife join our church to be discipled and sent out by Redemption Church (Lord willing in 2019), and we passed out hundreds of water bottles and invites at a city booth on the Fourth of July…and the summer isn’t over! But before we move on and continue focus on other big events we have planned to reach people, I wanted to make sure you don’t miss out. 

We can sometimes can focus so much on these “bigger” community events that we forget to be personal. It is so important that each of us makes a simple commitment to personally evangelizing and reaching out to the community God places us in. God wants to use YOU this summer to reach people for Him, and He doesn’t need an event to do so. We will and are continuing to plan out opportunities to evangelize as a church, BUT you don’t have to wait until our next event…and you shouldn’t! My heart for you is to be reaching people for Jesus EVERYWHERE you go, to be inviting people personally to our church gatherings, and to be sharing the gospel on a daily basis wherever and with whomever God would have you. 

So, HOW do we practically do this? 

I want to share a simple tool that I recently came across to make this season of Evangelism and Outreach more personal for you. It is called the BLESS tool. It is a simple acronym for you to practice and try to do every day with people. And although it may be a new acronym for you, these are already familiar things that are biblical that we as a church have been doing. 

BLESS stands for: 

B - BEGIN WITH PRAYER (I will pray for the people in my life and the places that I’m in.)

L - LISTEN (I will listen to and discover the needs of others and the places where God is at work)

E - EAT (I will share meals and spend time with people in my life)

S - SERVE (I will respond to the needs of others and help them in practical & impactful ways)

S - STORY (I will share the story of Jesus and what He is doing in my life with others. 

You can follow the link below to download more on BLESS and simple ways for you to implement it.

This is just another way to have this season of Evangelism & Outreach be personal to you. No tool is perfect, but hopefully it can be a reminder that we do need to keep it simple and not just have “big” events for this season. God wants to use ALL of us to make disciples, and this is a great tool to help with that.  So read through the download document, and let me know what you think. Share the stories with one another as you try some of these things with people. And let’s remember that more than just an event or a season, we want PROCLAIMING JESUS to be a lifestyle.  

Praying you BLESS many people as you proclaim Jesus.

-Pastor Daniel

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Let me say it again…and again…and again… by Daniel Williams

One of the common themes in the book of Philippians is REJOICING IN THE LORD. How do I know that? Because Paul mentions the word “rejoice” 7 times in this short, little letter! He uses repetition to make a point and has no problem repeating himself so that the listener would understand him. 

Phil 3:1 Finally, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. To write the same things to you is no trouble to me and is safe for you.

Paul isn’t the only one who repeats himself in the Bible:

The apostle Peter wrote 2 letters to the church, and in the second letter he states the importance of reminding people some of the same truths they already knew and he had already written them about.

2 Peter 1:12-13 Therefore I intend always to remind you of these qualities, though you know them and are established in the truth that you have. I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder,

Jude writes “Now I want to remind you, although you once fully knew it” and in a similar way, repeats some of the same truths to his listeners. 

And even Jesus repeats certain themes and concepts over and over again as He taught people here on earth. For example, Jesus talked about money a lot and repeated this theme several different times in serval different ways to make the same point: Live for God and not money. Sixteen of the thirty-eight parables were concerned with how to handle money and possessions. 

So, what’s the deal with all this repeating? 

I think part of repeating yourself is that you want others to absorb what you are saying. We see this play out in parenting. As a parent with younger kids, you find yourself saying some of the same words and concepts over and over again because you want your children to learn. For example, you may say “NO!” 100 times a day so your toddler understands that they shouldn’t do something. Or you may repeat the word “Daddy” 100 times a day to your newborn baby. You know that repeating the word will eventually result in your baby understanding the meaning, repeating it, and ultimately identifying you as their Daddy!

When we repeat something, is shows that it is important. 

As I have been pastoring Redemption Church I have found myself repeating certain truths and sayings as well. For example, our mission is to pursue and proclaim Jesus. We say this a lot at our church :) And you know what? It is no bother for me to repeat it! Why? Because it is important to me as the leader to know that people understand it. I want us to stay focused as a community, I want to be unified in what we are doing as we gather together, and I want ever one to know our purpose as a church. So we repeat this short saying over and over again.

Phil 4:4 Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. 

What are you repeating? 

You may want to pay attention to the words and sayings you are repeating because Jesus told us that out of our heart, our mouth speaks (Luke 6:45). Our words can give us insight into what we really value and what we believe. Are your words wholesome, pure, and lovely? Are there common themes that you talk about? Are the words you are repeating biblical and full of grace? 

Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. -Eph 4:29

Repeat words of life!

I want to encourage you to repeat yourself. Proverbs 18:21 says “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” It is good to pray for people over and over again and you aren’t wasting your breath. It is good to memorize certain scriptures that minister to you, even if it takes saying it over and over again. It is good preaching the gospel of Jesus over and over again to a world that needs it so desperately. It is good to repeat ourselves over and over again with the things we value —things that bring us life from God’s Word. 

Don't feel bad for repeating yourself!

Just make sure that whatever you are repeating is bringing others value and is full of grace and truth. This is why I make it my goal to repeat myself as a preacher and continually point people to Jesus. There is nothing greater than pointing others to Jesus, and I have no problem repeating myself and repeating His gospel that gives life! My prayer is that, as a church family, we beat the same drum of JESUS and His gospel. I pray that we would never get tired of repeating ourselves in this way. I pray that Jesus is always on our lips, and that He is always the person we preach because we VALUE Him. Because what we we repeat is what we want our listeners to learn. So may we lift up the name of Jesus over and over and over again…it is no bother!


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REFRESH CONFERENCE 2017: The Heart Behind the Event

I am getting so excited about how the Lord is bringing everything together for our first ever REFRESH CONFERENCE! It has been awesome to see how things are lining up so well, AND all of the people that are wanting to get involved! I wanted to take just a few minutes to share with you the HEART behind this conference as well as give you an idea of what it will look like!

The Theme: HOPE

Starting a few months ago, the Lord put it on my heart to put on a conference for some of the LOCAL CHURCHES in our area to ENCOURAGE and EQUIP them. It will be open to all adults who want to take 2 days to seek the Lord and hear from Him. My prayer is that this will be a time of refreshing for many servants of Jesus in our area who so desperately need to be empowered by the Holy Spirit and be renewed in HOPE. So, the theme for this conference is: HOPE.

Why a Conference? 

Many youth and young adults go on retreats and grow exponentially because they are taking time away to purposefully seek God and give Him that time. These are special times when many look back and say that God did something truly special in their heart or they heard something from Him that changed their life from that point on. Retreats and conferences are just awesome places to seek Jesus and let Him work in your heart! Sadly, many of the people in our congregations have never been to a conference or a retreat as an adult—the cost and the time away from work make it difficult to take time away and get to some of the amazing conferences there are around the country. This is why I thought I would bring a conference to us!

Who is Invited?

I have already invited 6 local churches in the area that are relativity small—several of which have planted within the last 5 years. These are servants of Jesus who are working very hard to share Jesus with the lost in our area and to disciple and love those in their churches. I’m excited for this opportunity to worship and seek Jesus as ONE BODY together and bless some of these churches who, like us, do not typically have the resources to attend or host a large-scale Christian conference. I also know that when the churches in our area are all healthy and strong in the Lord, not only is it good for them, but it is good for our community. This is why the purpose of the REFRESH CONFERENCE is to encourage and equip the servants of Jesus in our area.

Who are the Speakers?

Our first speaker will be Ben Courson from Medford, Oregon. Ben is a pastor/guest speaker whose message and ministry are all about HOPE! He is also the director of Hope Generation, host of a national TV and radio program, and is an author and speaker based out of Applegate Christian Fellowship. Ben is a good friend who will be a wonderful blessing for everyone who comes. You can learn more about Ben and his ministry at


We will also be welcoming Pastor Daryl Nelson from Calvary Chapel of the Palm Beaches. Pastor Daryl planted his church in 1995, when he was ordained as a Christian minister with Calvary Chapel. He has studied with and under some of the best Bible teachers in the world and still continues his studies today. Pastor Daryl’s love for Jesus and His Word will be a great encouragement during our time together. You can learn more about Pastor Daryl and his church at

What is the Schedule and cost?

The REFRESH CONFERENCE is scheduled for Friday-Saturday, August 18-19th and will be held at Lakeview Church on North Swinton Avenue in Delray Beach. We will have an evening session on Friday night, and on Saturday, there will be a continental breakfast and time for fellowship followed by 1 morning session and a catered lunch. We will close with a final afternoon session. The cost will be kept low at only $25 per person in order for as many people as possible to be able to participate. Detailed schedule and registration information will be available soon. Right now we have invited The Avenue Church, Calvary Chapel Delray Beach, Joy Church, Lakeview Baptist Church, Coastal Chapel, and Gospel Fellowship.

How is Redemption Church involved?

I am very excited to be coordinating this conference for the churches in our area, and I am praying that our church can get excited with me about serving and helping make this happen! Lakeview Baptist Church has agreed to allow us to use their building for the conference which is awesome because their facility has a larger sanctuary as well as a dining hall we can use for our lunch and fellowship times! We will definitely be needing volunteers to help with things like greeting and registration, some administrative help, and various other areas. We are not offering childcare, so hopefully all of our Redemption Kids volunteers can arrange for their own children’s care and attend the conference themselves! Remember, the heart of this conference is to encourage and equip the servants of Jesus in our area—this includes us! So, plan to ATTEND and SERVE in whatever ways the Lord has equipped you!

Please begin praying with me that Jesus will continue to direct us as we plan out the details of this conference, that many people will participate, and that God is glorified through all of our efforts. I am really praying that it is a blessing to the churches and believers in our area. More details and registration information will be available in the coming weeks, so be sure to stay connected!

Be blessed,

Pastor Daniel

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